Thursday, January 28, 2010

It is easy being green!

All those nifty animals in the last post?  Most of them are exhibited by 4-H members.

But that isn't all there is to 4-H.  Have you been to the 4-H building on the fairgrounds? You know, that big green and white one across from the grandstand?  It is full of photos and flowers.  Home made clothes and home made cookies.  Posters about every thing from areospace to zebras. Model rockets and wood working.  Vegetables and fruits. Bird houses, blankets (I love the fleece ones!), books, and banners.  The list goes on and on and on.  All of that stuff was made by members of Pope County 4-H.

4-H is open to all youth from Kindergarten through the first year of college.  It isn't just for farm kids, 4-H is for everyone!  It is free to join and fun to participate. Members learn responsibility and leadership, but most of all the have a great time doing it!  I would be willing to bet someone you know is already in 4-H.  Ask around!

Interested in joining 4-H?  Look here for information on 4-H in Minnesota and here for information on Pope County 4-H.  Call 320-634-5735 for the Pope County Extension Office.

Okay current and former 4-Hers: what do the 4 H's stand for? Do you get the urge to say the 4-H Pledge whenever you say the Pledge of Allegiance?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Llamas and ducks and cows... OH MY!

One of the things I love most about the Pope County Fair is the diversity and quality of livestock we have at our fair.  Ours is a much smaller fair than some others in the area and our showing is very good.  A big thumbs up today to those who bring livestock to our fair and to those who support them.  Have you ever entered a livestock exhibit in the fair?  What is your favorite animal to see?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Call for Photos

Do you have any pictures from the Pope County Fair in past years that you wouldn't mind sharing?  We would appreciate anything you have to use in advertising and online.  Also, don't forget, there is a special competition in open class for pictures of the prior year's fair!

With the snow storm we have in the forecast, thinking of a nice fresh-squeezed lemonade or a shaved ice to chase away the summer heat makes me feel better! What is your favorite fair treat?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

At it again for 2010!

Hello internet land!  A group from the Pope County Agricultural Society recently joined others from around the state at the Minnesota Federation of County Fairs Convention.  We had the chance to meet with entertainers of all sorts as well as other fair related vendors and attend meetings and seminars to help us make the fair even more fantastic.  We have some pretty exciting things in the planning stages for this year's fair!

One thing we learned at the convention is that we need to do a better job of taking advantage of free advertising and communication opportunities so here we are!  You can also look us up on Facebook.  Just search Pope County Fair.  Our website  will be updated soon as well.

For now, let us know what you think? Have any good ideas for us?  What would you like to see at the fair?