Friday, July 30, 2010

Meet the Board: Jennifer

Hi everyone in blog land!  My name is Jennifer Olson, and I am the secretary of the Pope County Fair Board.  This is my second year serving on the board, but I have been involved with the fair forever it seems!

I spent 13 years as a Pope County 4-Her, showing every animal I could and displaying bunches of exhibits in the 4-H building too.  After my sad last year in 4-H, I worked at the Extension office for a while, both as an intern and as support staff.  I now enjoy serving on the board with several committees including Kid's, Armed Services and Senior's Days, Open Class, Ranch Sort and Donkey Races.  When it comes to livestock, I am superintendent for Small Animals, Goat, Lama, Poultry and Rabbit.  I also help with much of the general behind the scenes coordination for the fair.

Other than the fair, my interests include gardening and marketing my produce in Glenwood and Brooten.  I also serve as a member of Pope County Fresh, the local foods initiative.

My husband James and I officially started dating many years ago at the Pope County Fair Tractor Pull, so that event always holds special significance for us, however my heart is still in the barn with the exhibitors.  My fondest childhood memories all involve 4-H and the accomplishments I had and the friends I made there.

We have another great year planned and I can't wait to see you all at the fair, enjoy an extra fresh squeezed lemonade for me!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, 'old-timer.' I'm a first-timer - at least in terms of competing in the photography category. Are there any rules/guidelines besides those published in the exhibitor's handbook? Can my 'favorite snapshot' entry be as big as my 8x10 landscape entry? Can I frame them any way I want, so that I can title them and add a photo description, or is that against the rules?


Let us know what you think! And if you don't mind tell us where you are from and how you heard about the fair!