Thursday, January 21, 2010

Call for Photos

Do you have any pictures from the Pope County Fair in past years that you wouldn't mind sharing?  We would appreciate anything you have to use in advertising and online.  Also, don't forget, there is a special competition in open class for pictures of the prior year's fair!

With the snow storm we have in the forecast, thinking of a nice fresh-squeezed lemonade or a shaved ice to chase away the summer heat makes me feel better! What is your favorite fair treat?


  1. I don't think I have a favorite fair food. It's just nice to be able to indulge in eating without feeling guilty about it! =]

  2. I could sure go for some mini donuts... or a taco in a bag... or....

    Diet? What diet!

  3. I can defintly agree with Jennifer that sounds soo good right now!

  4. My fav is corn dogs. Something about cooking in grease that has crossed State lines gets to me.


Let us know what you think! And if you don't mind tell us where you are from and how you heard about the fair!