Monday, January 25, 2010

Llamas and ducks and cows... OH MY!

One of the things I love most about the Pope County Fair is the diversity and quality of livestock we have at our fair.  Ours is a much smaller fair than some others in the area and our showing is very good.  A big thumbs up today to those who bring livestock to our fair and to those who support them.  Have you ever entered a livestock exhibit in the fair?  What is your favorite animal to see?


  1. I have to look through every barn at every fair I go to. I love it all! If you ever go to a fair with me, have patience!

  2. going to the fair with jill and betting on which animal from each species will get champion. hahaha

  3. I like the chickens. Wonder which ones taste best fried................


Let us know what you think! And if you don't mind tell us where you are from and how you heard about the fair!